About Food IgG Reactions

What Are Food IgG Mediated Reactions?

Food IgG reactions occur when the immune system identifies a harmless food protein as a threat, leading to the production of IgG antibodies. This immune response can result in inflammation and symptoms such as:

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome1–3
  • Migraines4,5
  • Crohn’s Disease6

Understanding Gut Health and IgG Reactions

  • Gut Barrier: Inflammation, infection, toxins stress, or repeated exposure to certain foods can compromise the gut lining.
  • Immune Response: A compromised barrier allows food components to enter the bloodstream, triggering IgG-mediated immune responses.
  • Inflammation: IgG antibodies form complexes with food proteins, leading to inflammation and delayed symptoms.

*Note: While Food IgG testing has been linked to chronic disorders in studies, it is not endorsed by some allergy associations.*

Figure showing a normal gut (left) and a leaky gut on the right as a result of a number of stressors.  Food components entering the blood stream resulting in an immune reaction.