Should you be interested in having a LipidPro test, your results will be sent directly to your practitioner so that s/he can discuss the results with you.
Unless you are having your LipidPro sample taken at an Ampath laboratory in KZN, you will need to have your total cholesterol tested separately at any laboratory/clinic (at your own cost) on the same day that your LipidPro sample is taken and send this result to us.
Testing will not be started until payment is received. Payment is required within 5 days of sample collection otherwise the sample will be discarded.
You may have your LipidPro sample taken at one of the following locations: (please note that a 12-hour fasting sample is required for testing):
1. Any Ampath laboratory in KZN:
- Please download the LipidPro requisition form and go to any Ampath laboratory who will take your sample and send it to us. Total cholesterol will be performed on this sample at Ampath.
2. MDS laboratory in Westville, Durban:
- Clients can also come to the MDS laboratory in Westville to have their sample taken. Please ensure a booking is made beforehand.
Outside of KZN
1. You can go to a Dis-Chem clinic to have your LipidPro blood sample taken:
- Download the WellPro requisition form from our website to take to Dis-Chem for the nurse to take your LipidPro blood sample.
- Please request that a total cholesterol test is also performed at the same time, as we need this value for our analysis. This will be at an additional cost, payable by the client to Dis-Chem. Please include this result with your form and sample sent to our laboratory for the LipidPro test.
- The Dis-Chem clinic sister will charge a small sample collection fee, and we will arrange for the sample to be collected from Dis-Chem once we are notified.
2. We can send your practitioner a LipidPro test kit:
- Your practitioner can take your blood sample for the LipidPro test. We will arrange for the sample to be collected from the practitioner once we are notified.
- Please request that your practitioner takes a second blood sample from you and sends this sample away to another lab for a total cholesterol test at the same time, as we need this value for our analysis. This will be at an additional cost, payable by the client to the laboratory performing the test. Please email this result to us.
*Please note: LipidPro results will not be sent to clients directly (ISO15189:2012: 5.9.1 Release of results). Clients will receive their results from the health practitioner after discussing their results with him/her.