Point of Care – Rapid Test Kits

The ideal diagnostic test should be able to provide an instant on site result and be able to be performed with a minimum of expertise and without expensive equipment. Veterinary rapid tests use the latest in diagnostic technology, and fill all these requisites. The test kits are individually controlled and have a long shelf life and can be stored and used at ambient temperature. Rapid tests are designed to detect either antibodies or antigens.

CANINERapid CPV AbCPVAB010Ab against Canine Parvo VirusWhole blood, plasma or serum10-15 minutes
Rapid CDV AbCDVAB010Ab against Canine Distemper VirusWhole blood, plasma or serum10-15 minutes
Rapid E. canis AbECAAB010Ab against Ehrlichia canisWhole blood, plasma or serum98.8%98%10-15 minutes
Rapid CPV AgCPVAG020Canine Parvo Virus AgFaeces99%99.9%10-15 minutes
Rapid CDV AgCDVAG020Canine Distemper Virus AgPlasma, serum, urine, saliva or conjunctiva swab99.5%99.2%10-15 minutes
Rapid CCV AgCCVAG020Canine Corona Virus AgFaeces98.5%99%10-15 minutes
Rapid CPV Ag/CCV AgCCPAG010Canine Parvo Virus/ Canine Corona Virus Ag comboFaeces98.5/ 99%99/ 99.9%10-15 minutes
Rapid CPV-CCV-Giardia AgCanine Parvo Virus/ Canine Corona Virus/ Canine Giardia Ag triple comboFaeces98.5%99.0%10-15 minutes
CANINE/ FELINERapid Giardia AgGIAAG010Canine/ Feline Giardia AgFaeces99%99.9%10-15 minutes
FELINERapid FIV AbFIVAB010Ab against Feline Immunodeficiency VirusWhole blood, plasma or serum99.9%99.5%10-15 minutes
Rapid FPV AgFPVAG010Feline Panleukopaenia Virus AgFaeces99.5%98%10-15 minutes
Rapid FIV Ab/FeLV AgFELFIV10Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Ab/ Feline Leukemia Virus Ag comboWhole blood, plasma or serum99.9/ 98%99.5/ 95.2%10-15 minutes
Rapid FCoV AgFCOAG010Feline Corona Virus AgFaeces99.0%96.0%10-15 minutes